We Specialize in Purchasing Used Business Phones and Telephone Systems

Telephone Trade We Buy or Sell used telephones or Telephone Systems and Phone Accessories
 Sell Your Used Business Telephones and Phone Systems For Above Market Value

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Used Nortel Phones

used nortel phone

We buy used phones and used telephone systems, including major brand Nortel phones, systems, and equipment. If you want to sell your Nortel phone systems, sell office phones or need to talk to someone about selling your old phones and phone systems, talk to us.

We’ll give you a quote which will show you what your used Nortel phones are really worth. This is the new, easy way to manage old phone system inventory, online. It’s fast, it’s efficient, and it’s very cost-effective.

Why choose us?

There are some very compelling reasons for selling your phone system to us:

  • We’re a national business, able to deliver better service and better prices for your phone system.
  • We give the best deals. We buy phone systems at better than market rates.
  • We buy used phone systems, specializing in major brands particularly Nortel phone systems.
  • Our purchasing methods are very efficient and quick. We can deliver fast turnaround on your sale to monetize your old phone system quickly with no fuss or waiting.
  • We also pay shipping, saving you money instantly.

How to sell your Nortel phone system

  1. Click on our Nortel link below.
  2. Fill in our form, and give us a description of your system.
  3. We’ll send you a quote.
  4. You give the go-ahead, and we’ll organize shipping.
  5. Your money will be right over!

Easy, isn’t it? You can manage your phone system sale from your keyboard, and we do the rest!

A few points for selling your used Nortel phones

  • We’re interested in all phone equipment, too. If you have some equipment related to your used Nortel phones, just send us a full list for everything, and we’ll give a quote on that basis.
  • We’re also used phone buyers. If you want to sell a phone for cash, we’ll buy your old phone(s) as well as your used phone systems, so you can include them in the list on your form.

Want more information, or want to ask us about selling your phone system?

If you’d like to find out more about how to sell your phone system and phones, talk to us. We buy corporate phone systems and phones too, so if you’d like to speak to someone about selling a major phone system, talk to us. We’re more than happy to help and advise, so contact us online or by phone and let’s talk business!




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